Outstanding result among IFKA-certified consulting firms
Outstanding result among IFKA-certified consulting firms
We are proud to say that in April 2020 our company gained a place among the Qualified Experts of Future Hungarian Multinationals launched by IFKA (IFKA Public Benefit Non-profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry). Every year, IFKA scores the experts of the programme, and in 2021 our company achieved 98 points out of a total of 100 points, thereby obtaining the second highest score among the Qualified Experts.
The Future Hungarian Multinationals aims to strengthen SMEs with high growth potential that offer innovative, exportable products and services. Businesses selected for the programme can receive customized, high-quality development assistance from the Programme’s qualified service providers.
Our qualified services:
- Information security, data protection and cyber security consulting
- Project development and project management consulting
- Strategic and business planning
- Optimization of organizational structure and activities/processes
More information about our services is available at: http://multicontact.eu/ifka-minositett-tanacsadas/
We would like to thank our partners that used our services in 2020. We hope to further expand our customer base in 2021, thereby providing customized solutions to more and more companies with the purpose of helping their development and competitiveness!
Should you be interested in any of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
The IT development of our travel security service has started
The IT development of our travel security service has started
Our company received a non-refundable grant worth HUF 155 213 980 from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund for the implementation of the ‘TravelSec – Development of a complex travel security risk management and service system supported by artificial intelligence’ project. The total cost of the project is HUF 258 068 400.
During the two-year period of the project, as part of our winning tender, we will carry out targeted applied research in the field of travel security, and based on its results, we will develop an IT solution that can be integrated into the corporate security system and covers its entire spectrum.
The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted that security and the definition, purpose, methodology and tools of security systems can collapse in a matter of seconds and, thus, need to be re-evaluated. This is especially true in the case of companies where complex security management is not yet widespread in practice, and within this, the overall management of the travel security sub-sector will play a more prominent role in the future.
The risk management and service system, which will be developed based on our research results, will be implemented through innovative technological methods that ensure that employers and employees can make decisions in light of the most up-to-date information and take the necessary measures in the event of an emergency as soon as possible. The project focuses on: travel security services, artificial intelligence, risk analysis, decision support, emergency communication platform. In many cases our services could be life-saving, for example in the event of a terrorist attack or deployment to a country with high security risk.
There is a specific market interest in the outcome of the project which will ensure a quick return on the project. The project will be implemented at the company’s headquarters in Budapest, with the involvement of Hungarian developers and researchers. The project started on August 1, 2020 and is expected to end on July 31, 2022.
The project (Project No. 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2020-00093) is implemented with the support provided by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, as part of the ‘Support for Market-Driven Research, Development and Innovation Projects (2020-1.1.2-PIACI KFI)’ programme.
Public consultation on the new EU Cohesion Policy (2021-2027)
Public consultation on the new EU Cohesion Policy (2021-2027)
The public consultation of the basic documents for the programming period 2021-27, the new operational programmes (OPs) and the main professional guidelines of the Partnership Agreement has started and is underway.
The Partnership Agreement, which outlines Hungary's main challenges and development priorities, bases the use of cohesion funds on a vision for 2030 and 6 strategic goals that are necessary to achieve it:
- A growing and healthy population that is competitive in the labour market
- A high-tech and innovative Hungary that produces high added value, the 21st-century rebirth of Hungarian production culture
- Energy independent Hungary, clean and safe environment
- Fast and convenient transport, improved accessibility in the country as well as in the Carpathian Basin
- Attractive rural lifestyle
- Increasing the international competitiveness of the Carpathian Basin region
The above set of objectives is in line with the following EU policy objectives:
- Smart Europe
- A greener, low carbon and resilient Europe
- A more connected Europe
- Social Europe
- A Europe closer to citizens
The Partnership Agreement summarises the planned interventions, based on the situation assessment, and their expected results at a higher level and in more general terms than the OPs.
The document also contains the main aspects of the institutional framework for the new Cohesion Policy, the necessary institutional and procedural changes, as well as capacity building expectations.
The Partnership Agreement seeks to achieve the above mentioned objectives and interventions through the following OPs:
The number of OPs remains unchanged during the new programming period (except for the amendment regarding the separation of Budapest and Pest counties) but they will be given new names. The Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP) will be renamed to Enterprise Development and Innovation Operational Programme (VINOP) and 30% of the planned funds will be allocated to this OP. Green transition will be supported to a greater extent than before, this OP (Green Infrastructure and Climate Protection Operational Programme) will receive 19% of the funds, while the Human Development Operational Programme will be given 7%. 20% is planned to be allocated for the Competitive Hungary Operational Programme which is in part based on the cooperation with local councils. The Mobility Operational Programme, aimed at transport development, will be allocated 20% of the planned funds, while the Digital Renewal Operational Programme will receive 4%. In addition, the Hungarian Aquaculture Development Operational Programme will be financed according to a unique set of rules.
Individuals, social and professional organisations, as well as enterprises are welcome to submit their comments and suggestions regarding the professional content of the documents until the end of January 2021 at https://www.palyazat.gov.hu/tarsadalmi_egyeztetes_2021_2027.
Recovery and Resilience Facility, new opportunity in Cohesion Policy
Recovery and Resilience Facility, new opportunity in Cohesion Policy
The Facility is perhaps the most important recovery instrument to date in overcoming the current crisis. The Facility will provide an unprecedented €672.5 billion of loans and grants in frontloaded financial support for the crucial first years of the recovery. In order to benefit from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, Member States should submit their draft recovery and resilience plans outlining national investment and reform agendas in line with the aforementioned EU policy criteria. Member States’ recovery and resilience plans should address the economic policy challenges set out in the country-specific recommendations of recent years and in particular in the 2019 and 2020 cycles. The plans should also enable Member States to enhance their economic growth potential, job creation and economic and social resilience, and to meet the green and digital transitions.
The EU offers Member States a number of reform options that may be relevant in various areas – the Commission therefore strongly encourages Member States to include in their plans the following flagship areas:
- Power up – The frontloading of future-proof clean technologies and acceleration of the development and use of renewables.
- Renovate – The improvement of energy efficiency of public and private buildings.
- Recharge and Refuel – The promotion of future-proof clean technologies to accelerate the use of sustainable, accessible and smart transport, charging and refuelling stations and extension of public transport.
- Connect – The fast rollout of rapid broadband services to all regions and households, including fiber and 5G networks.
- Modernise – The digitalisation of public administration and services, including judicial and healthcare systems.
- Scale-up – The increase in European industrial data cloud capacities and the development of the most powerful, cutting edge, and sustainable processors.
- Reskill and upskill – The adaptation of education systems to support digital skills and educational and vocational training for all ages.
President Ursula von der Leyen said: ‘The Recovery and Resilience Facility is at the very heart of NextGenerationEU. It is our key tool to turn the immediate challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic into a long-term opportunity. Member States need clear guidance to ensure the Facility’s €672 billion is invested both for Europe’s immediate economic recovery, but also for long-term sustainable and inclusive growth. Today, we are presenting this guidance and stand ready to support Member States in developing their national strategies.’
The Commission calls on the European Parliament and the Council to agree as quickly as possible on the legislative proposal so that the Facility becomes operational as of 1 January 2021.